Thursday, June 12, 2008

Freshman Are Just Too Young


This is such a touchy topic. I myself have only had one official girlfriend younger than myself, and her name is Dp5.0. Shes 17yrs of age [and she's EXTREMELY DOPE.] , and I'm 18. When it comes to dating...age is a big thing to me. For some reason I never find myself willing to settle down with younger girls. One year younger is the farthest I could go. Even though I choose not to date younger I have poked younger. Since Ive been a "senior" Ive poked about 4-5 Freshmen. All before I was 18. Well besides the last. These girls are great, but I know I could never find myself dating a freshman. Some ppl say ewww blah blah blah theyre just kids, but when WE were freshman we knew there was an excitement about the older crowd. Girls usually are looking for the older guy anyway. I know when I was a freshman it pissed me the hell off. For example two of my great sophomore friends are DAE And IYEESHUH. Wise beyond their years but I doubt I could ever get into a serious relationship with them. Age doesnt bother most guys because if you notice they usually have younger girlfriends but not this one. Other girls are the only ones that get on me about younger girls. My 19yr old girl is going to get mad that I want to chill with my 16yr old girl. I hate the way girls act towards each other. Thats the most immature thing about most girls. Im a just keep it funky now I sometimes like i know im attracted to younger girls but I cant date them. I dont mean younger girls like 11 I mean younger girls as in 3 years and all that jazz. Be a little more mature please. To all my younger fans out there dont feel discouraged =). We can still chill AND SHIT. I have two good friends that are much younger than me Shout Out to Peanut and Cmeezy. Both of them are 14 and not even in high school. You could ask what the hell do we have in common and Id tell you dont underestimate the worlds new generation.

These Are Just Thoughts Of A Newly Turned 18yr Old Male.

Too Young - Pretty Ricky


SHONAtheGREAT said...

its FreshMEN .
when you are speaking of a group or in general use freshmen .
ex: "freshmen are wack"

When you are speaking about a particular person , use freshman .
ex: "that girl across the street is a freshman"

[ sorry . its a bad habit of mine ]

Anonymous said...

you are crazy;;
i love older men!!!